Happy Mother’s Day – My Mata Rusa

Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing wife and mother! You are the heart and soul of our family, and we are all so grateful for everything you do for us each and every day. Haslinda Omar Your unwavering love, endless patience, and selfless dedication to our children is truly inspiring, and we feel so […]

It has been 25 years

My dearest wife, my mata rusa, Haslinda Omar, Happy anniversary! It has been 25 years since our akad nikah, It’s hard to believe that another year has flown by so quickly, but I cherish every moment we have spent together. You are my rock, my partner, and my best friend. I could not imagine navigating this […]

Happy Birthday My Mata Rusa

Selamat Hari Jadi my mata rusa isteri ku Haslinda Omar. Ada orang mencari erti cinta dengan membaca buku dan cerita. Apa yang hanya perlu aku lakukan ialah melihat mata mu. Semoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan hidup kita. Dan diberikan barakah dalam perhubungan kita. Selamat hari lahir, isteri tersayang.

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